Tuesday 13 October 2009

Happier happy days

I love communicating with Babin, she has lots of ways of expressing herself - with giggles, cries, pointing and, for the last three months, with an increasing vocabulary of words.

Her favourite phrases at the moment are 'what's this?', 'read this?' and 'finish'. However, she also spends lots of the day chatting to me, very animatedly. but completely in words that I can't (yet!) recognise.

A couple of weeks ago she started saying what sounded like 'happy days'. A lovely sentiment, but it seemed to be a random phrase and not something I, her dad or anyone around us says. We spent a lot of time repeating it, trying to work out what she might be saying, trying it out with differnt inflections and tones but we were baffled. Babin also kept repeating it, seeming confident that she knew what she meant and that we'd get it eventually.

And we did. Inspiration, (and maybe improved annunciation on Babin's part) struck, she was was saying 'up we go', which is what I say when she climbs the stairs! Of course, happy days is now part of our everyday vocabulary, the first phrase we've picked up from our girl.

Round the same time that we worked out 'happy days', she started singing. This is just the cutest thing, (so cute I've been moved to tears at times, sappy mama that I am)! She mostly hums and sings la la but she sometimes sings 'happier, happier' to various little tunes of her own. It was during bathtime singing that we realised she was singing 'happy and' from 'if your happy and you know it'!

So, my beautiful little girl crawls around singing 'happier' and saying 'happy days', her joy is very infectious and certainly makes our days happier ones.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say that I popped over from BLW and I like your blog.
    Happy days to you and babin(and barefoot dad)!!
